My Journey Begins
June 21st, 2021 by grogu
So a couple weeks ago, I broke my right leg by jumping on the couch to see if I can fly. My mom freaked out and rushed me to the vet and they tried to set it. The vet tech on staff was not able to, so the next day we went back and they surgeon was able to set my broken bone. Well two weeks later I went for a check up at my vet and the bone was not setting properly and they said it was time for surgery. Mom found a surgeon in Tennessee who was the best of the best and I would get to meet grandpa! Well before the trip, I decided to again jump up on the couch and test flying one more time. This time I broke my left leg. This delayed the trip for a bit and my surgery as well. Well, we finally made it to Tennessee for my surgery and it goes perfectly and the plates are in place.
Fast forward three weeks to a couple of follow up appointments later. My left leg is healing but my right leg not so much. In fact, it is doing the opposite. So mom has had to schedule a surgery to have my right leg amputated. She doesn’t tell me but I can tell she is scared. She keeps telling me how I get to be a puppy again after I heal though! I miss running and playing with my step brothers. (They’re cats) The surgery will be scheduled later this week or next week. Mom has done everything to try and help me save the leg but I know she will not love me less but love me more!
I can’t wait to share my journey with everyone!
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on June 21st, 2021 at 11:30 am
Welcome and thank you for sharing Grogu’s story. Your future blog posts and pages will publish immediately without requiring moderation.
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on July 1st, 2021 at 5:15 pm
Oh holy cow Grogu! I don’t know how on earth I missed your first post and the story of what happened to you. YIKES! Repeat after me, “Dogs don’t fly, dogs don’t fly!”
I’m so glad at least one of your little legs is healing. Sorry you had to join our club though, but you are in good hands and we will see you through recovery and beyond. Please keep us posted OK?